Monday, August 24, 2015

Fancy Feather Markers *3*

It's back to school time! You on a budget but still want to be fabulous? Say no more, because have I got the perfect craftista project for you! Feather white board markers! AHHHH!!!!! *C* They don't take very long to make nor do you require many materials. All you need is a pack of colored feathers, a roll of masking tape with a colorful print of your choice, a roll of clear scotch tape, sequins to match the feathers (again I just recommend buying a pack of mixed colored sequins), and of course white board markers. To make them, first start by taping on feathers to the last inch or so of the marker end. Do this using the thin, clear scotch tape. After it has been feathered to your liking, wrap the marker with strips of the patterned masking tape, I'd say with at least two layers to give it an even thickness throughout. Finally, hot glue matching sequins to line the borders of the markers (see the pictures) to give a final finished look. And that's it! They're lots of fun and give you something colorful, bright and sparkly to start the school year with :-D. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Love these, Tanya! I must make some for my 101 classes! Have a great semester!
