Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Just Bead It! More Craftista Made Necklaces ;D

So this is just a quick update of necklaces that I've made, some recent some not so much but colorful enough to merit posting on my blog. The first picture features what I've been experimenting with recently, necklaces more on the woven side requiring the use of a thread and needle (plus patience!). The remaining necklaces were mostly hand strung. The very bright green and pink ones are made of glass beads surprisingly, which I found at Hobby Lobby.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Valentines Day Craft Idea: Bottle Cap Pins

Hello hello hello! With February and Valentine's Day drawing near I thought I'd share one of my more recent projects inspired by the holiday: Owl Love Pins. The owl picture was cut out from a fabric I got at Joann Fabrics; the fabric is basically covered all over with them, so snipping out a few owls won't make any noticeable difference ;D. Cutting out a square with one owl in the middle and wrapping around a Snapple bottle cap made the centerpiece. After that the work was mainly in beading the bottle cap so as to frame the owl in center. I stuffed the inside of the cap with a little bit of cotton stuffing material. Sealing that up with a felt circle and sewing a bar pin to the back finally made it into a full fledged owl pin! May this bit of Valentine's Day accessory awesomeness inspire you all to make your own bottle cap pins.