Sunday, March 30, 2014

Some Patterns Old and New

These little art pieces are both recent and old. The originals they're based off of I created 6 years ago or so. It was basically one afternoon that I had a bunch of crayons and graphing paper and decided to color within the lines to make my own colorful patterns. It was a simple and addicting activity, and I ended up spending the rest of the day churning out one abstract looking pattern after another. The patterns were stored in a binder and forgotten until this new year. I liked the originals as much as I did those years ago, and as a renewed activity I decided to recreate the patterns within Paint. The results are a lot cleaner looking than the smudgy crayon versions, which I am happy about. I'm not finished recreating all of the originals, so it is very possible that I will have a future post with more abstract looking lovelies. :-) The last one looks a bit different than the rest because it's the beginning of the ones that I made with a different color palette. Think of it as a prelude for things to come. ;-D