Friday, August 21, 2015

End of Summer Painting Project

I decided to end the summer with a pot painting project from my to do list. Like the other small painted pots featured on this blog, I wanted to create something pretty and personalized for my plants. It took a while trying to figure out what sort of design I wanted to paint, but eventually I settled on the idea that I would paint
something blue and white. I picked out the unpainted pot and so-called patio paints for this at Michael's. Patio paint is a special kind of paint for things like pots that you plan on keeping outdoors. The paint has been made in such a way that it will not wear or wash away from the rain or snow. Great for those like me who like keeping lots of plants out for patio gardens! After applying a couple base coats of off-white patio paint to the mid section of the pot (used blue for the lid and drainage dish), I lightly sketched out a leaf pattern over the white with a marker. Then I just lightly dabbed the leaf outlines with small amounts of blue paint and as a final touch put a little orange inside the leaves to add a splash of color. Note to self: white, blue and orange look awesome together! Now I just have to decide what kind of flowers to keep in this. :-) 

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