Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Gorgeous Blue Things!

A lot of the things that I have been making as of late have been blue. What you see below are a couple of the crafts that have resulted from my current blue fixation. Like other shirts shown on this blog, the one below started out plain without any embellishments. It just so happened that I had a bunch of small blue acrylic sew-on gems lying around that I never knew what to do with. One afternoon I was being lazy and put the shirt on my "work" table, and seeing the gems (scattered across my work table I might add) next to the shirt gave me the idea of pairing them together; turned out to be a good match! Although I ended up sewing on quite a few gems the project didn't take too long. I easily finished it all sometime that afternoon. What did take more time was the fancy pillow. All I literally had in the beginning was a big square of blue fabric. I was going to make another pacman handkerchief thing (featured in one of my pacman crafts posts), but this square was really big, making me think that I could do more with it. I ended up embroidering the crossing stitches all over with white thread, sewed the ribbon trimming on the top and bottom of the pillow, and then continued with the lengthy task of sewing on all of the plastic pearls that you see dotting the surface and sides. When I finally finished sealing off the stuffed pillow this evening I was soooo glad to finish it. I'm the type that really likes to finish a craft once it's started, so I just couldn't stand the sight of a half-finished pillow all studded with pearls lying around. I am quite happy with the result and now that I'm done with probably the most involved pillow I've made yet, I think that I'm going to find a nice place to display it. :-) 

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